Yesterday a team from Avara’s Hereford operations went litter picking around the perimeter of the site to help improve the local environment.
The area around Grandstand Road, Yazor Road and Orchard block is extensive, and can seemingly be a magnet for litter at various points in the year. Determined to make a difference and look after their bit of Hereford, the team donned face coverings, protective gloves and high visibility clothing, remained socially distanced, and gathered a whopping 40kg of rubbish.. Among the items picked up were wheel trims, a wheel arch lining, a discarded umbrella, hundreds of cigarette buts, metal cans, glass and food wrappers – in total 40kg of rubbish was gathered! All rubbish collected was responsibility disposed of on site.
The volunteer team consisted of Laurel Oliver, Roger Burke, Jeanette Allman, Oliver Holmes, Rob Morris (Engineering), Dan Wilde, Stacey Ryan, Nicole Parkin, Ian Drake, Sarah Gian, Martyn Dytor, Simon Baker, Alastair Cole, Dawn Whilding, Kevin Woods and Rida Wynne. Everyone had a great time helping clean up the local area together, and a repeat is planned for next year.