A responsible business
Doing the right thing, the right way.It’s a huge statement to make and covers every aspect of our business, as well as our relationships with others. We’re by no means perfect but we make every effort to ensure our processes are as effective as possible.

In our line of work, being responsible means looking after the health, welfare and safety - not just of our own people - but of consumers who buy our products and the animals in our care, too. But it doesn’t stop there. Environmentally, we have to carefully manage what we use and what we emit. Our suppliers and our employees depend on us for their own security, and the communities around us deserve a positive partner that contributes in a supportive and meaningful way.
Our aim is to be a company you want to work with and for. And that means acting responsibly.
If you want to know what we stand for, read our key statements:

Responsible Business Report 2024
See what progress we've made over the last 12 months, and our targets and commitments moving forward.

Responsible Business Report 2021
See what progress we've made, and how we're taking further action to be a responsible business.